NIPPT -Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test



A Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPT) is a method used to determine paternity before a child is born. This test involves analyzing fetal DNA that circulates in the mother’s blood, allowing for the identification of the biological father. NIPT is typically performed as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy and involves collecting a blood sample from the mother and a cheek swab from the alleged father. The fetal DNA is separated from the mother’s DNA to create a DNA profile for the fetus, which is then compared to the alleged father’s DNA profile to establish paternity

Indications of the Test:

NIPT is primarily used to determine paternity before the birth of a child. It is a non-invasive method that poses no risk to the fetus and provides accurate results. This test is particularly beneficial for situations where paternity needs to be established early in the pregnancy for legal or personal reasons

Patient Preparation/Instructions:

  • For the NIPT, the pregnant woman needs to provide a blood sample.
  • The alleged father is required to provide a cheek swab for DNA analysis.
  • Samples need to be collected and sent to the lab for testing.
  • Results are typically available within 7-10 business days after all samples are received

Typical Reference Values:

  • NIPT results are used to determine the probability of paternity, with a high level of accuracy above 99%.
  • The test analyzes cell-free DNA fragments from the fetus in the mother’s bloodstream to establish paternity.
  • Results are reported as either a 0% probability of paternity if the alleged father is not the biological father, or a 99% or greater probability of paternity if he is the biological father

Turnaround Time:

The turnaround time for NIPT in Kenya is usually 7-10 business days from the receipt of all samples at the lab. Results are then provided to the individuals involved through email or secure portals


Order This Test:

To order the Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPT), add the test to your cart and finish the order process. Alternatively, contact us to order via phone. We provide you with a more comprehensive consultation for free. NIPT test is available form our laboratory in Kilimani, Nairobi.


Note: We also have the conventional DNA Paternity Test.


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